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About WVWS

In 1984 a group of artists organized for these purposes:


  • To promote and insure the high standards of the art of watercolor painting in the state of West Virginia.

  • To guide and assist the student and aspiring watercolor artist in West Virginia.

  • To encourage within the general public the advancement and understanding of the broad scope of watercolor painting.


These fifty-four artists thus became the Charter Members of the West Virginia Watercolor Society.


In the years since that beginning these purposes continue to be met by holding watercolor workshops, publishing a newsletter, and by hosting both juried and non-juried exhibitions.


You are welcomed and encouraged to join with WVWS as we continue to pursue these goals. Please visit our Membership page to learn more about joining WVWS.

2023-24 Officers

President, Nancy Maunz

Vice President, Rita Montrosse

Recording Secretary, Sara Jane Gainor

Corresponding Secretary, Jane C. Michael

Treasurer, Linda Elmer

Past President, Christine Rhodes

Four people standing in art gallery.

2023-25 Directors

Region I, Deborah Lester

Region II, Jan van Egmond

Region III, Linda W. Roberts

Region IV, Katherine Crim

Region V, Martha Reynolds

Region-at-Large, Christine Rhodes

2023-24 Committee Leaders

Exhibits, Deborah Lester

Membership, Jeannine Romano

Workshops, Judy Mattson Reed

Newsletter Editor, Pamela Lake

Jury, Kristen Colebank

Webmaster, Linda Elmer


Join the WV Watercolor Society

Dues for WVWS are $30/yr (January to December). Applicant must be a resident of West Virginia at the time of application, but does not cease to be a member solely by changing residence from West Virginia: (WVWS By-laws Article III, Section I).


At the October 2010 meeting the membership approved a change to the WVWS by-laws that adds: If a member’s renewal dues are not paid by December 31, a $10 penalty will be added to the dues. This penalty will not apply to new members joining after December 31 or to members renewing at the $300 life rate.


For more information about membership, contact WVWS Membership Chair Jeannine Romano at jeannine[-at-]


Download a printable membership application by clicking the button below (Requires Acrobat Reader), and then send a the completed form and a check to Jeannine Romano, WVWS membership chair, at:


Jeannine Romano
509 Persimmon Lane
Bridgeport, WV 26330

WVWS Membership Classifications

The West Virginia Watercolor Society has four classifications of membership in addition to Charter and Honorary Membership.


Associate Members:

All individuals wishing to be associated with the West Virginia Watercolor Society who have applied for Associate membership and been accepted into the Society through payment of dues. Associate Members are entitled to receive all of the WVWS general membership communications, including the Newsletter, and may take part in all WVWS sponsored activities such as workshops and exhibits. Associate members may vote, serve on committees, and be elected to office in the Society.


Juried Members:

Members who have been granted the privilege of Juried Status by the Society’s Membership. To earn Juried Membership status, an Associate Member must submit six painting images for review by the Membership Jury. Candidates selected for Juried Membership consideration may be requested to submit three or more original works for final admission judging. Juried Membership status becomes official upon notification of acceptance by the Jury from the committee chairman.


Signature Members:

Juried Members who have been granted the privilege of using the West Virginia Watercolor Society Initials (WVWS) in conjunction with their signatures by the Membership Jury after completing requirements as set forth in the By-laws. These include exhibiting in two juried WVWS shows. Signature Status may also be granted to any watercolor artist who is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society, or whose work has been accepted in any AWS, NWS, or Watercolor USA exhibit.


Patron Members:

Those individuals whose financial contribution to the Society, for awards or other purposes meant to further the objectives of the Society as defined by the Executive Board, equals or exceeds one hundred dollars ($100) in any calendar year. Patron Members receive the WVWS Newsletter and membership list.

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